Back in time for school, episode 7 & 8

To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:45 This week; the 1990s. Can history that is so recent be interesting to watch being experienced by kids? We’ll see. For starters the music will be terrible this episode. I barely remember the 1990s, it wasn’t a very memorable decade but somehow the children seem to think…

Back in time for school, episode 6

To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:45 This week; the 1980s. My school years. I was in my teens during the 1980s, let’s see how familiar this episode feels. Mind you, I went to a Montessori school, so not quite as traditional as this regular British school. We didn’t have as many rules… unfortunately.…

Back in time for school, episode 5

To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:45 This week; the 1970s. AKA the ugliest era ever. We’re still in the horrifically modern school building, they’re following the comprehensive system now. How did some of the boys suddenly get long hair? Or how did they manage to hide his long hair in previous episodes? Or…

Back in time for school, episode 4

To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:45 This week; the 1960s. Unlike some eras apparently this decade is deemed more interesting so it gets its own episode. Our presenter calls the 1960s a swinging decade, which of course the 1920s and 1940s also were, but somehow those were announced quite differently. It is interesting…

Back in time for school, episode 3

Back in time for school, episode 3 To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:45. This episode will be about the 1940s and 1950s. Two decades squeezed into one episode. Personally I think you could/should make an entire series just about one era if you want participants to get the actual historical experience, or at…

Back in time for school, episode 2

To avoid spoilers and repeats, skip to 1:40. This episode will be about the era between the wars. New outfits and hairstyles for the pupils. The children look ok, I’m in favour of uniforms for schools (wish we had them when I was in school) and even though the kids don’t seem to like them,…

Back in time for school, episode 1

Another in the ‘Back in time for…’ series, which is very popular but unfortunately not always well made. These shows often concentrate on only a part of life in the past and ignore the rest so participants don’t really spend time ‘living’ like our predecessors. For example, they spend time cooking and eating like they…