The 1900 Island, episode 4

To avoid spoilers and repeats skip to; 1:50 Unfortunately the project is already coming to an end. Why is it that the shows that aren’t very good get 8 episodes while the ones that are great only get 4?! Mind you, I do understand that a month of this is quite a challenge already, not…

The 1900 Island, episode 3

To avoid spoilers and repeats skip to; 1:50 Third episode, third week. We start with children playing outside, even though in real 1900 they’d probably wouldn’t have as much time to play as they do in this series, it must have been paradise to grow up there. Apart from the hunger, fear, punishments and hard…

The 1900 Island, episode 2

To avoid spoilers and repeats skip to; 1:50 The first episode showed the first week of this adventure, so now we start where that episode left off. The families are running low on food. As someone who has worked in film and TV I sadly know that often this is where it can go wrong…

The 1900 Island, episode 1

I must confess I’m very excited about this one while I really shouldn’t be. The name reminds me of ‘The 1900 house’, still one of the best in its genre, but it also takes place in Wales which makes me think of the also excellent Coal House series. But I don’t think this new show…